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Conditions of participation for the iCON Euro 2024 football prediction game from 22 May 2024:

- Participation in the betting game is limited to all active employees of customers and business partners of iCON International Container Service GmbH based in Hamburg.

- Participation in the prediction game is voluntary and free of charge.

- The personal data of participants that is collected when registering for the prediction game is subject to the provisions and principles of the Data Protection Ordinance. The data will be used by the platform operator exclusively for the organisation of the game. The data will neither be used commercially nor made available to third parties for commercial use. The stored data will be deleted from the platform operator's data storage after the end of the game by 1 September 2024 at the latest. 

- When evaluating the winners of the prediction game, only 1 person will be finalised for each of the positions 1-3. 

- The placings result from the points allocation as determined and awarded by the provider of the Prediction Game. The points awarded by the provider are final and cannot be contested. Legal recourse is excluded.

- In the event that the awarding of points by the Prediction Game provider leads to multiple placements of several participants in places 1-3, the organiser of the Prediction Game, iCON Intern. Container Service GmbH, will use further criteria to determine a clear placement of one participant in each of the ranks 1-3. Participants who do not achieve first place in the respective rank in this process will qualify for the subsequent ranks. The selection process for the subsequent ranks follows the same selection criteria. This means that participants who, in the event of a tie in the points awarded by the Prediction Game provider, are inferior in the ranking when the additional selection criteria are taken into account, will qualify for the subsequent rankings, e.g. for 2nd place and, if applicable, 3rd place. 

  • The additional criteria used to determine the respective winner in places 1-3 are

a.) the sum of the total number of goals scored by the participants compared to the number of goals actually scored in the tournament. The winner of the evaluation is the player whose total number of goals scored is closest to the actual result. 


b.) The number of correctly predicted match results compared to the other participants who have achieved the same ranking according to the previous evaluation.


c.) If the evaluation procedure up to this point has not led to a clear ranking in ranks 1-3, the organiser will decide in case of doubt by drawing lots, which will be carried out solely by the organiser at his own discretion and to the exclusion of any further participation.


- The ranking decision is subject to the above criteria and the data analysis of the Prediction Game website and is final and cannot be contested. Legal recourse is excluded.

- Prizes will be awarded in accordance with the organiser's announcements and guidelines.